Housing and Connection

Contact information

JV agency


Birkemosevej 77

6000 Kolding



T: +45 21 85 56 60

Skype: jvagency




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JV agency is a consulting engineering company working as agent for various companies.
Our main emphasis is on products related to Telecommunications, Broadband and Industry.




  • JV agency has the following product areas:


Solutions for housing of electronics technology in Telecom Buildings, outdoor and indoor rack with the right climate, and after the required standards: ETSI, 19", IP, EMC, EX.




Passive components for Copper and Fiber



Customized solutions, where we help the customer to build up a solution for a project. We can also offer to create a "Plug and Play" solution where we made the assembling, just to put "into the socket"













Copyright ® 2009 jvagency.dk